Friday, August 28, 2009


(image courtesy of

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Today has not been the best of days, as I have been informed that my computer (which unexpectedly died over the weekend) can be fixed at the loss of anything that was on it ever. This is not something one wants to hear, but I can only blame myself. You know, something about not backing my shit up, lesson learned, blahblahblah.

Hopefully this will, however, inspire a massive push towards note-taking and generally getting myself together in terms of my senior project. I have one more semester left of school and I probably should make the most of it.

I started reading a book recommended to me by an old professor called The Artful Edit by Susan Bell. It is pretty good (a nice break from Joan Didion---the basis of my final work in school). The combination of this and my friend Lisa's departure for China is getting me a bit excited for the possibilities of "After School is Done". It's a time I've been waiting for and it's going to be here very soon.

Follow-up: all of this business is also making me a Nervous Nancy.

(image courtesy of

It might be time to plan an exit strategy. Here looks suitable:I stole this from an acquaintance's facebook page. Apparently, it is France.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

an ode.

I'm losing steam. I think. I've decided not to beat myself up about not posing everyday, but it's hard to muster enough of an excuse to make the avoidance make sense to even myself. Does that sentence make sense? Probably not.

Well, a time has come. A time that only rolls through every so often: the desire to get stuff done. I WANT to take notes for my senior work. I WANT to clean my house. This is crazy. Truly. What is even more astounding, is my inability to do those things because I am at work. There is noting particularly pressing for me to do here, but work from my desk I must. Therefore, I will take this important clocked time to discuss one of my favorite and least appreciated items: Jamaican Beef Patties.

They are so fucking good. Akin to hot dogs with their mysterious innards, they can go from frozen to soft and delicious in a matter of moments (and only cost $1). They've got some kick. A friend introduced me to the wonders of adding onions and cheese to them, one of my happiest moments in memory.

It occurs to me that all my reasons for loving this food object might count as strikes against it, but it tastes so good at 4pm OR am, that I just don't care.

(image courtesy of

Thursday, August 6, 2009


My cousin Bennett, whom I've recently become closer to, has started a blog ( It's exciting because of how much he wanted to do so. He aims to write about music as unpretentiously as possible.

His mission statement:
Our purpose is simple. We aim to document the experience- both physical and spiritual- that accompanies a melodic occurrence. Be it listening to a record for the first time or the hundredth, going to see a band for the first time or the last, we hope to capture the essence of the moment in a few choice words and images.

While our musical tastes might dance within the boundaries of a few select genres, we seek to expand the comfort zone of our auditory palate. We are not here to be seen, we are simply here to listen. We are equally interested in what “was” than what “is”. Perhaps most importantly, we seek to avoid the chatter and noise typically associated with this form of media, focusing in on the truth of the experience rather than how that truth might be perceived.

Thank you for reading. We look forward to the experiences ahead of us. See you there.

Well, the particularly nice thing for me is to look at his blog and see posts about my brother's band, Amazing Baby. I really appreciate seeing family come together in different ways---something that has been fairly absent from my life.

I hope to someday fit myself into the mix...working with gentlemen who've known me since before I was the little girl to the right sounds lovely.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


It's always hard to decide what to eat during the summer. Extreme heat isn't known for encouraging hunger and eating like a rabbit seldom seems appealing.

My problem is when I am in the office. Mine is quite chilly and sitting behind a desk for eight hours a day is somewhat tedious. Stomach confused by changing heat patterns and mind numb, I've been in search of a snack that will help pass the time/nourish/not expand the gut.

A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled on some curry covered cashews at a local market. They are delicious. I literally cannot stop eating them all day. At $10.85 a pound, this bulk habit is becoming an issue. I waddle away from work with an empty wallet--- that many cashews sit hard in the stomach.

Today I decided to get sidetracked by the prospect of crackers. The good ones cost more than they're worth, though, and some genius placed Pop-tarts directly next to them. Strawberry Pop-tarts. Today it was time for a walk down memory lane. I've eaten four already and am beginning to think this alternative isn't negating earlier snack issues.

Hmmm. A few short paragraphs into this and I think the problem might be my self control, rather than the food itself.

(image courtesy of

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Yesterday, when I sat down to write my first post since getting back from vacation, I thought to myself, "Maybe later..."

Procrastinating in regards to a procrastination tool: is this a new low? Maybe. I've decided that I simply do not know where to begin with this post. Should I try to wrestle with the joy and drama that inevitably comes from going to a place that used to be something like home? Or would I rather banter about the trivialities of coffee versus tea?

My trip to Martha's Vineyard was too much. I think it might be best to leave it at that. I'm not sure when I'll finally be able to return to that island without turning into my angst-driven 17 year old self, if I ever will. Instead of testing those waters ever six months, I am going to take a longer break from the place. I will make an effort to see the people I love from there in new environments. I will acknowledge that Brooklyn is my home. Life moves forward.

Hopefully with this bit out of the way, I can return to idiosyncratic musings tomorrow.

(image courtesy of